Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Dancing fruit!

I just had to post this kitchen! Who wouldnt want this 1948 kitchen with dancing fruit wallpaper border? How could you ever stagger, sleep deprived and hungover, into this kitchen and not feel instantly cheery ;) (click for bigger pic)


Sue said...

I quite like it, actually :) I would probably change the border for something a bit nicer - maybe one of those ones you posted the other day! :)

Just think, that boy would be almost 70 now! :P

Pomona said...

I want the pinny, too! And all those clean shiny surfaces! Great to discover your blog - love these pictures!

Pomona x

MelMel said... it!
I was born decades too late....pinny wearing is just my thing!

fen and ned said...

Great pic. She looks like she's saying 'ok, stop looking at the dancing carrot now son, you've been in that trance for 2 days, eat up!' :D

Cloudbusting said...

Sue, haha yeah I like it too! but what!! change the border?? you must be kidding :)

Pomona, welcome and glad you like my blog! always exciting to have a new reader x

MelMel, Im with you, sometimes I think Ive been born in the wrong era!

Fenandned! haha, I hadnt even noticed that before but you're right, he does seem to be in some kind of fruity trance!

Unknown said...

Love it. But then I love all vintage and nostalgic! Pop avnd visit me sometiome please! Suzie. :)